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Now that I am not working, my form of retail therapy is visiting the wet market and supermarket several times a week.  I don’t have to jostle with the crowds during the weekdays, which allows me plenty of opportunity to meander around.  I end up buying more groceries than I actually need, and come home only to realise that I have absolutely no space in the fridge for that watermelon that I had just lugged home.  The only way to store the watermelon is to cut it up into cubes, bag them and stick it in the freezer.  

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The lovely, cool weather in Singapore has come to an end.  Sadly.  It was blistering hot today and we were feeling extremely parched after spending the morning outside. I remembered that I have a bag of watermelon cubes sitting in the freezer.  Long forgotten.  I pulled it out of the freezer and let it defrost for a while before blending the watermelon cubes with some Greek yoghurt and honey.

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The cold, sweet and slushy texture of the smoothie was perfect in this weather. Gawd, the heat can only get worse and we are only in February! I offered some of the smoothie to the husband and he told me to go away! I guess to a man, pink just isn’t an appealing colour in a drink.

Strawberry Smoothie
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