
Last night, I had a very delicious North Indian dinner at a restaurant called Mustard in Race Course Road. It specialises in Punjabi and Bengali cuisine, which as I understand, uses mustard seeds and oil as key ingredients. We got

Death By Conjugation

I am back…!  JLPTとI4の試験を終わった!嬉しいです。 Over the last couple of weeks, I have been mugging for two Japanese tests.  The JLPT N4 test and separately, an internal placement test conducted by my Japanese language school.  Both tests require a substantial amount

Me And My Tokyo Banana

^ 東京ばななをたべるのが大好きです! とても美味しい。東京へ行った時に、東京が一つの箱をかったんです。友達も東京へ行く時に、私に一つの箱を買ってくれます。 Tokyo Banana! It is very delicious. (Well, only if you like sponge cake and banana custard…) They have quite a few variations of the Tokyo Banana but my favourite is the original version, which is just sponge cake filled

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